About SBM

The Summer Beit Midrash provides a uniquely effective environment for the development of intellectually and personally compelling Modern Orthodox leadership by

  • providing a rigorous top-level Talmud shiur which accepts challenges or enlightenment from any discipline.

  • demanding that fellows confront the ethical and the real-world implications of every halakhic position studied.

  • having faculty members model courage and integrity by presenting on and accepting critiques of their own halakhic rulings in difficult cases.

  • exposing fellows to the broad systemic visions of halakhah of underutilized past thinkers such as Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Chajes, Rabbi David Zvi Hoffman, and Rabbi Ben Zion Uziel.
  • requiring Fellows to write and defend their own responsum to a case that challenges their ideas, values, and character.



The Summer Beit Midrash is entering its 28th year in 2024