Alumni News

If you have any news to share with the SBM alumni, please let us know at

Mazal Tov on the aliyot of Rafi and Atara Eis!

Mazal Tov on the aliyot of Jonathan and Ora Ziring!

Mazal Tov to Roy Feldman ('10) on his engagment to Rachel Minkin!

Mazal Tov to Ariel Diamond ('04, '06) on his engagement to Rivky Twersky!

Mazal Tov to David Fried ('10) upon his receiving Semikhah from YCT! 

Mazal Tov to Noah ('04) and Sarah Cheses on the birth of their son!

Mazal Tov to Rob Golder ('08-'10) on his marriage to Gila Heller!

Mazal Tov to Deirdre Wilner ('10) on her marriage to Jay Schreiber!

Mazal Tov to Rori  ('10) and Russel Picker Neiss on the birth of their new daughter!

Mazal Tov to Talya and Hillel Katchen ('00) on the birth of a daughter!

Mazal Tov to Yedidya Naveh ('10, '11) on his engagement to Moriya Batt!

In Other News

Yair Rosenblatt has an excellent article on the nature of Tisha B'Av.

Jonathan Ziring ('09-12) has started a blog called Sha'ashuim with (mostly) his articles.

Malka Zeiger Simkovitch ('00) published an article on 2 Maccabees in the Journal for the Study of Judaism, available here.

Elli Fischer ('97) and Judah Levine ('98,'99) have started a new venture for Jewish and Israeli news aggregation and curation called FindNeedles. Elli also talks more about it in his blog here.

Drew Kaplan ('06) recently served as the Education Director at  Jewlicious Festival 9 ( in Long Beach in March.  Also, he served as the Rabbinic Chair for the Long Beach Yom HaShoah Commemoration event in April. Drew also launched a new series in SoCal: "Jews, Brews, and Rabbi Drew" - here is a link about the most recent event:

William Friedman ('03) has founded Nishma: A Summer of Torah Study in the JTS Beit Midrash, a new 10-week beit midrash program targeted at helping current and future Jewish professionals improve their Hebrew and rabbinic text skills in an intensive learning environment.  He will begin a doctoral program in Jewish Law and Legal Theory at Harvard University in Fall 2013.

Jordan Rosenberg ('05) has started an eldercare service called, which supports family caregivers to elderly parents by connecting care givers to senior care experts. MyAgingFolks is a trusted resource for supporting family caregivers. Their nation-wide network of thousands of eldercare professionals (elderlaw attorneys, care managers, and social workers) are available, for free, to family caregivers with questions and in need of support. Their free Q and A servicefree phone consultation service, and expert directory help to connect caregivers with eldercare expertise.