
These articles are a collection of writings by Rabbi Klapper on the topics included below, particularly Halakhah, Hashkafa, Israel, Social Policy, Tanakh, and The Study of Torah. They have appeared in Text & Texture, Milin Havivin, Tablet Magazine, and Jewish Values Online.

The series of weekly Divrei Torah are divided up by the book of the Torah. Audio and video articles are found here, along with sourcesheets specifically produced to accompany the shiurim. Most of the proceedings of the Summer Beit Midrash, including summaries written by the fellows, are found on the audio and video page. The topic Acharayut K'Tuvah, CMTL, and SBM Proceedings includes the articles stemming from the learning done about the Summer Beit Midrash topics.

Select From The Options Below
  •   1featured
  •   2016 Sbm
  •   2017 Sbm
  •   2018 Sbm
  •   2018 Sbm Kibbud Av Vaem
  •   2019 Sbm
  •   2020 Sbm
  •   2021 Sbm
  •   2023 Sbm
  •   Acharayut K'tuvah Cmtl And Sbm Proceedings
  •   Bamidbar
  •   Beit Din
  •   Bereshit
  •   Biblical And Rabbinic Personalities
  •   Devarim
  •   Gender
  •   Halacha
  •   Halakhah And Public Policy
  •   Hashkafa
  •   Holidays
Title Type Date Language
2014 CMTL Reader pdf Dec 23, 2014 english
Responses to DIVINE WILL AND HUMAN EXPERIENCE pdf May 09, 2023 english
The first annual Winter Beit Midrash html Dec 25, 2015 english
2016 Sbm
Title Type Date Language
2016 SBM Teshuvot pdf Dec 31, 2016 english
2016 SBM Teshuvot (original) pdf Dec 30, 2016 english
SBM 2016 Intro Shiur pdf Jul 28, 2016 english
SBM 2016 R Chaim Jachter pdf Jul 28, 2016 english
SBM 2016 R Dov Linzer pdf Aug 01, 2016 english
SBM 2016 R Jonathan Ziring pdf Aug 09, 2016 english
SBM 2016 Shayla pdf Aug 01, 2016 english
SBM 2016 Teshuvah Excerpt pdf Aug 05, 2016 english
SBM 2016 Unit 1.1 pdf Jul 20, 2016 english
SBM 2016 Unit 1.2 pdf Jul 20, 2016 english
SBM 2016 Unit 1.3 pdf Jul 20, 2016 english
SBM 2016 Unit 1.4 pdf Jul 20, 2016 english
SBM 2016 Unit 1.5 pdf Jul 20, 2016 english
SBM 2016 Unit 1.6 pdf Jul 20, 2016 english
SBM 2016 Unit 1.7 pdf Jul 20, 2016 english
SBM 2016 Unit 2.1 pdf Jul 20, 2016 english
SBM 2016 Unit 2.2 pdf Jul 26, 2016 english
SBM 2016 Unit 2.3 pdf Jul 26, 2016 english
Source Sheet - Charisma (YI Sharon) pdf Jul 28, 2016 english
Source Sheet - Constitution or Code (YI Sharon) pdf Jul 20, 2016 english
Source Sheet - Hope for Tisha BAv (Kadimah) pdf Jul 28, 2016 english
Source Sheet - Lifnim Mishurat HaDin (YI Sharon) pdf Jul 28, 2016 english
Source Sheet - Shir HaShirim Chavruta (YI Sharon) pdf Jul 20, 2016 english
Source Sheet - Shir HaShirim Shiur (YI Sharon) pdf Jul 20, 2016 english
Week Five Summary SBM 2016 pdf Jul 30, 2016 english
Week Four Summary SBM 2016 pdf Jul 22, 2016 english
Week One Summary SBM 2016 pdf Jul 01, 2016 english
Week Three Summary SBM 2016 pdf Jul 15, 2016 english
Week Two Summary SBM 2016 pdf Jul 10, 2016 english
Who Can Serve as Kashrut Supervisors? The Model of Kuthim html Sep 30, 2020 english
2017 Sbm
Title Type Date Language
Autopsies - Sourcesheet pdf Jul 19, 2017 english
Brain Death and Organ Donation - Source Sheet pdf Aug 13, 2017 english
Choni HaMaagel pdf Jul 30, 2017 english
Halakhic Man #3 Mekorot pdf Aug 08, 2017 english
Halakhic Man #3 Mekorot - English pdf Aug 07, 2017 english
Halakhic Man Mekorot pdf Jul 12, 2017 english
Halakhic Morality and Mental Disability - Mekorot pdf Jul 25, 2017 english
Introducing 2017 SBM Fellows pdf Jul 05, 2017 english
Of Woodchoppers and Flickering Flames - Sourcesheet pdf Aug 13, 2017 english
SBM 2017 Mekorot Unit 1 pdf Jul 03, 2017 english
SBM 2017 Mekorot Unit 2.1 pdf Jul 03, 2017 english
SBM 2017 Mekorot Unit 2.1A pdf Jul 07, 2017 english
SBM 2017 Mekorot Unit 2.2 pdf Jul 06, 2017 english
SBM 2017 Mekorot Unit 2.3 pdf Jul 06, 2017 english
SBM 2017 Mekorot Unit 2.4 pdf Jul 06, 2017 english
SBM 2017 Mekorot Unit 2.5 pdf Jul 12, 2017 english
SBM 2017 Mekorot Unit 2.5A Part 1 html Jul 16, 2017 english
SBM 2017 Mekorot Unit 2.5A Part 2 pdf Jul 16, 2017 english
SBM 2017 Mekorot Unit 3.1 pdf Jul 18, 2017 english
SBM 2017 Mekorot Unit 3.2 pdf Jul 18, 2017 english
SBM 2017 Mekorot Unit 3.2A Part 1 pdf Jul 25, 2017 english
SBM 2017 Mekorot Unit 3.2A Part 2 pdf Jul 25, 2017 english
SBM 2017 Mekorot Unit 3.3 pdf Jul 20, 2017 english
SBM 2017 Mekorot Unit 3.4 pdf Jul 25, 2017 english
SBM 2017 Mekorot Unit 3.5 Part 1 pdf Jul 30, 2017 english
SBM 2017 Mekorot Unit 3.5 Part 2 pdf Jul 30, 2017 english
SBM 2017 Mekorot Unit 3.5 Part 3 pdf Jul 30, 2017 english
SBM 2017 Mekorot Unit 4.1 Part 1 pdf Jul 30, 2017 english
SBM 2017 Mekorot Unit 4.1 Part 2 pdf Aug 06, 2017 english
SBM 2017 Mekorot Unit 4.1 Part 3 pdf Aug 06, 2017 english
SBM 2017 Mekorot Unit 4.1 Part 4 pdf Aug 06, 2017 english
SBM 2017 Mekorot Unit 4.1 Part 5 pdf Aug 06, 2017 english
SBM 2017 Mekorot Unit 4.1 Part 6 pdf Aug 06, 2017 english
SBM 2017 Mekorot Unit 4.2 pdf Aug 06, 2017 english
SBM 2017 Rabbi Chaim Jachter - Mekorot pdf Jul 13, 2017 english
SBM 2017 Rabbi David Maayan - Mekorot pdf Aug 06, 2017 english
SBM 2017 Rabbi Dov Linzer - Marriage for People with Downs Syndrome (Fellows) html Aug 06, 2017 english
SBM 2017 Rabbi Dov Linzer - Mikvah Accessibility and Inclusion html Aug 06, 2017 english
SBM 2017 Rabbi Jason Strauss - Mekorot pdf Jul 25, 2017 english
SBM 2017 Rabbi Yaakov Jaffe - Mekorot pdf Aug 06, 2017 english
SBM 2017 Sarah Robinson - Mekorot pdf Jul 25, 2017 english
SBM 2017 Shayla pdf Aug 13, 2017 english
SBM 2017 Shiur Guide html Jul 05, 2017 english
Tereifah, Goses, Zombie - Sourcesheet pdf Jul 10, 2017 english
Week 1 Summary SBM 2017 pdf Jul 07, 2017 english
Week 2 Summary SBM 2017 pdf Jul 14, 2017 english
Week 3 Summary of SBM 2017 pdf Jul 21, 2017 english
Week 4 Summary of SBM 2017 pdf Jul 28, 2017 english
Week 5 Summary of SBM 2017 pdf Aug 04, 2017 english
2018 Sbm
Title Type Date Language
1st Summer of Midreshet Avigayil! html Apr 27, 2015 english
2013 CMTL Reader pdf Dec 24, 2013 english
2016 Alumni DT Snapshots pdf Dec 23, 2016 english
2016 Alumni Publications pdf Dec 25, 2016 english
2017 Alumni DT Snapshots pdf Dec 30, 2017 english
2017 Alumni Links pdf Dec 29, 2017 english
2017 Alumni Publications pdf Dec 29, 2017 english
2017 CMTL Reader pdf Dec 28, 2017 english
2018 Men's Winter Beit Midrash pdf Dec 21, 2017 english
2018 Women's Winter Beit Midrash pdf Dec 11, 2017 english
36 Notable SBM Alumni pdf Sep 01, 2015 english
Can Retzon Hashem Matter in Lomdus? pdf Feb 13, 2018 english
CMTL Calendar pdf Oct 26, 2014 english
CMTL Snapshots 2016 pdf Dec 21, 2016 english
CMTL Snapshots 2017 pdf Dec 31, 2017 english
Creating Jewish Ethics Flyer pdf Oct 27, 2014 english
Logo pdf Jan 22, 2015 english
Midreshet Avigayil 2017 Flyer pdf Dec 30, 2016 english
Part 3 flyer pdf Apr 17, 2015 english
Part 3 flyer pdf Apr 17, 2015 english
Pesach 2016 pdf Apr 27, 2016 english
ral front pic pdf Apr 24, 2015 english
Ruderman Logo pdf Jan 02, 2015 english
SBM 2017 Flyer pdf Dec 30, 2016 english
SBM 2018 Flyer pdf Dec 25, 2017 english
SBM application 14 word Dec 24, 2013 english
Sermon on Vayetze by Aliza Libman Baronofsky pdf Dec 28, 2017 english
Shaarei shabbat pdf Nov 15, 2015 english
The Tragedy and Triumph of Bruriah by Sarah Robinson pdf Dec 28, 2017 english
Warfare, Ethics, and Jewish Law pdf Dec 19, 2016 english
Week One Summary of Midreshet Avigyail pdf Aug 17, 2015 english
2018 Sbm Kibbud Av Vaem
Title Type Date Language
2018 SBM Shayla - Honoring Parents pdf Aug 10, 2018 english
Conditional Kiddushin and the Presumption of Parental Penitence (Week One SBM 2018) pdf Jul 06, 2018 english
Human Dignity, Human Relationships, and Kibbud Av VaEm (Week Four Summary of SBM 2018) pdf Jul 27, 2018 english
Must Children Presume Parental Penitence? Week Two Summary of SBM 2018 pdf Jul 13, 2018 english
Of Marriage and Mikvaot: When Does One Not Need to Listen to Their Parents? (Week Five Summary of SBM 2018) pdf Aug 03, 2018 english
What Does Kibbud Av VaEm Actually Mean? (Week Three Summary of SBM 2018) pdf Jul 20, 2018 english
2019 Sbm
Title Type Date Language
Brisker CRISPR: The Hezekian Archetype for Halakhic Discussion of Embryonic Editing (Week Three Summary of SBM 2019) pdf Jul 19, 2019 english
Can There Be Halakhah Which Does Not Come From Torah? Week Five Summary of SBM 2019 pdf Aug 02, 2019 english
Creativity at the Cutting Edge of Halakhah: Week Two Summary of SBM 2019 pdf Jul 12, 2019 english
Is Torah Comprehensive? Week Six Summary of SBM 2019 (Devarim 5779) pdf Aug 09, 2019 english
Should Our Understanding of G-d’s Purposes Affect Our Interpretation of His Words? Week One Summary of SBM 2019 pdf Jul 05, 2019 english
Technological Innovation: Caution or Celebration? (Week Four Summary of SBM 2019) pdf Jul 26, 2019 english
2020 Sbm
Title Type Date Language
2020 SBM Teshuvot pdf Dec 31, 2020 english
Are Israeli Labor Laws Binding on Charedi Schools? Week Four Summary of SBM 2020 (Devarim 5780) pdf Jul 24, 2020 english
Dina Demalkhuta Dina: How Broad a Principle? Week One Summary of SBM 2020 pdf Jul 03, 2020 english
Does Dina Demalkhuta Dina Apply in Democracies? Week Five Summary of SBM 2020 (Vaetchanan 5780) pdf Jul 31, 2020 english
Does Halakhah Permit Taxation Without Representation? Week Three Summary of SBM 2020 (Mattot Masei 5780) pdf Jul 17, 2020 english
Week Six Summary of SBM 2020: The Shayla pdf Aug 07, 2020 english
What Makes Taxation Halakhically Legitimate? Week Two Summary of SBM 2020 (Pinchas 5780) pdf Jul 10, 2020 english
2021 Sbm
Title Type Date Language
Is There a Prohibition Against Revealing Secrets? If Yes, Does It Apply Only to Secrets? SBM 2021 Week 4 Summary pdf Jul 30, 2021 english
Ki Tetzei 5781 pdf Aug 19, 2021 english
Privacy and Halakhah – SBM 2021 Summary Week 2 pdf Jul 15, 2021 english
Privacy, Halakhah and Constitutional Interpretation: SBM 2021 Summary Week 3 pdf Jul 22, 2021 english
Shoftim 5781 pdf Aug 12, 2021 english
Week 1 Summary of SBM 5781 pdf Jul 08, 2021 english
2023 Sbm
Title Type Date Language
Week Five Summary SBM 2023 - A Close Shave with Issurim pdf Aug 03, 2023 english
Week Four Summary SBM 2023 - Practical, Psychological, and Ethical Motivation for Relaxing Rabbinic Prohibitions pdf Jul 28, 2023 english
Week One Summary SBM 2023 - Are All Religious Decisions Halakhic? pdf Jul 06, 2023 english
Week Six Summary SBM 2023 - We Allow the Worst (Because you Might do Something Worse) pdf Aug 10, 2023 english
Week Three Summary SBM 2023 - Calibrating Rabbinic Law to Emotional Realities and Concerns: One Upon Whom Darkness Falls pdf Jul 21, 2023 english
Week Two Summary SBM 2023 - When Values Contend With Each Other To Determine Halakhah pdf Jul 14, 2023 english
Acharayut K'tuvah Cmtl And Sbm Proceedings
Title Type Date Language
2016 CMTL Reader pdf Dec 29, 2016 english
2018 CMTL Reader pdf Dec 28, 2018 english
Thought on Sukkah mats word Sep 29, 2010 english
Title Type Date Language
pdf May 28, 2021 english
pdf May 28, 2021 english
pdf Jun 04, 2021 english
Arguments from and for Silence pdf Jun 01, 2015 english
Balak 5773 pdf Jun 21, 2013 english
Balak 5782 pdf Jul 14, 2022 english
BalakTMK pdf Jun 25, 2010 english
Bamidbar 5773 pdf May 09, 2013 english
Bamidbar 5777 pdf May 26, 2017 english
Bamidbar 5781 pdf May 14, 2021 english
Bamidbar 5782 pdf Jun 01, 2022 english
Bamidbar 5784 pdf Jun 07, 2024 english
Bamidbar Mishnah pdf May 13, 2010 english
Bamidbar Torah Temimah pdf May 22, 2009 english
Bamidbarrabbah pdf May 27, 2011 english
Behaalotecha 5782 pdf Jun 16, 2022 english
Behaalotecha 5783 pdf Jun 09, 2023 english
Behaalotecha 5783 pdf Jun 09, 2023 english
Behaalotecha 5784 pdf Jun 20, 2024 english
Behaalotekhalhakenaf pdf Jun 10, 2011 english
Behaalotkha pdf Jun 12, 2009 english
Behaalotkha 5773 pdf May 23, 2013 english
Behaalotkha 5777 pdf Jun 09, 2017 english
Behaalotkha 5781 pdf May 28, 2021 english
B\'ha\'alotkha - Moshe\'s Mysterious Cushite Wife pdf May 28, 2010 english
Charisma Revisited pdf Jun 24, 2016 english
Chok, Mishpat and Obergefell pdf Jul 03, 2015 english
Chukat 5777 pdf Jun 29, 2017 english
Chukat 5782 pdf Jul 07, 2022 english
ChukatAbravanel pdf Jun 15, 2010 english
Confidence-Building Measures in Biblical Foreign Policy pdf Jun 17, 2021 english
Dialogue: Should Torah be Nonpartisan? (Behaalotcha 5780) pdf Jun 12, 2020 english
Do Real Cases Make Bad Law (Bamidbar 5780) pdf May 22, 2020 english
GedalyahMatos pdf Jul 17, 2009 english
Hukkat 5773 pdf Jun 14, 2013 english
Imagining Divine Empathy (Shelach 5779) pdf Jun 27, 2019 english
Imagining Divine Empathy (Shelach 5780) pdf Jun 19, 2020 english
In the Space Between Korach and Shammai: Dealing with Torah Arguments that Might or Might Not be for the Sake of Heaven (Korach 5778) pdf Jun 14, 2018 english
In the Space Between Korach and Shammai: Dealing with Torah Arguments that Might or Might Not be for the Sake of Heaven (Korach 5780) pdf Jun 26, 2020 english
Is the new biblically prohibited? pdf Jun 18, 2015 english
Korach 5772 pdf Jun 22, 2012 english
Korach 5773 pdf Jun 07, 2013 english
Korach 5777 pdf Jun 23, 2017 english
Korach 5783 pdf Jun 22, 2023 english
Korach 5783 pdf Jun 22, 2023 english
Korach's wife pdf Jun 26, 2009 english
KorachMaharsha pdf Jun 08, 2010 english
Korah 5782 pdf Jun 30, 2022 english
Korah 5782 pdf Jun 30, 2022 english
Mas'ei pdf Jul 09, 2010 english
Masterpiece Cakeshop and the Spies (Shelach 5778) pdf Jun 08, 2018 english
Matot-Masei 5782 pdf Jul 29, 2022 english
MeishivDavarChukat pdf Jul 03, 2009 english
Must A Sovereign be Ethical? or: What is the Role of Halakhic Language in Political Discussions? pdf Jun 11, 2021 english
Must Halakhah Be Spiritually Fair? (Behaalotkha 5779) pdf Jun 20, 2019 english
Naso 5773 pdf May 17, 2013 english
Naso 5777 pdf Jun 02, 2017 english
Naso 5781 pdf May 20, 2021 english
Naso 5782 pdf Jun 08, 2022 english
Naso Head Covering pdf Jun 05, 2009 english
Nasolaachoto pdf Jun 03, 2011 english
Omnimerciful Rejections, Or: How to Turn Down Requests for Unviable Halakhic Reform pdf Jul 09, 2015 english
Omnimerciful Rejections, Or: How to Turn Down Requests for Unviable Halakhic Reform pdf Jul 09, 2015 english
On the Nature of Psak and Poskim, with specific reference to Techumin pdf Jul 01, 2021 english
Parshat Bamidbar 5783 pdf May 19, 2023 english
Parshat Chukat pdf Jun 27, 2014 english
Parshat Chukat pdf Jun 27, 2014 english
Parshat Naso 5783 pdf Jun 01, 2023 english
Peer Pressure and Drinking: A Very Dry Dvar Torah (Naso 5778) pdf May 25, 2018 english
Pinchas 5782 pdf Jul 22, 2022 english
PinchassonsofKorach pdf Jul 02, 2010 english
Pledges and Allegiances (Naso 5780) pdf Jun 05, 2020 english
Shelach 5773 pdf May 31, 2013 english
Shelach 5777 pdf Jun 16, 2017 english
Shelach 5783 pdf Jun 15, 2023 english
Shelach 5783 pdf Jun 15, 2023 english
Shelach 5784 pdf Jun 27, 2024 english
Shelach Or HaChaim pdf Jun 23, 2009 english
Shelach5782 pdf Jun 23, 2022 english
Shelach5782 pdf Jun 23, 2022 english
Shelachkanfei pdf Jun 17, 2011 english
ShelachLashonHora pdf Jun 15, 2012 english
Shlach Karo pdf Jun 04, 2010 english
Teaching Rabbis Rabbinic Ethics pdf Jun 10, 2015 english
The Little Prince and His Rose Yeshiva (Naso 5779) pdf Jun 14, 2019 english
The Parah-dox and Orthodox Ethics (Chukat 5778) pdf Jun 22, 2018 english
The Sons of Gershon, Kehat and Merari and the Tension between Meritocracy and Social-Status Stability pdf May 29, 2015 english
The Use of Halakhic Materials in Discussions of Public Ethics (Behaalotkha 5778) pdf May 31, 2018 english
What Plague Did Pinchas Stop? A New (I think) Read of Parshat Balak with a Moral (Balak 5778) pdf Jun 29, 2018 english
Whats in a Title? A Rav by Any Other Name Would Teach as Sweet (Bamidbar 5779) pdf Jun 07, 2019 english
Yavneh and Yericho: A Tale of Two Cities pdf Jun 04, 2021 english
Beit Din
Title Type Date Language
Halakhah and Subjectively Compelling Jewish Identity pdf Dec 29, 2013 english
SBM 2013 Sh'eilah pdf Dec 29, 2013 english
SBM 2013 Teshuvah pdf Dec 29, 2013 english
ZABLA, or: Why Rabbinic Courts are Often Ineffective pdf Dec 29, 2013 english
Title Type Date Language
Against the Legalization of Physician Assisted Suicide: A Case Study in Halakhah and Public Ethics pdf Oct 26, 2012 english
"Let Us Call the Lass, and Ask Her Opinion:" A Surprising Moment and an Astonishing Model of Orthodox Feminism (Chayyei Sarah 5781) pdf Nov 12, 2020 english
A Flirtation in Egypt pdf Nov 19, 2009 english
A Talmud Test pdf Nov 27, 2015 english
A Talmudic Motion to Retry the Snake pdf Oct 01, 2014 english
Abravanel, Avraham, and Monarchy pdf Oct 11, 2013 english
Affective Religious Rhetoric in Sober Perspective, or: A Shiur on Sermons pdf Dec 30, 2011 english
Akeidah Moments (Vayera 5779) pdf Oct 26, 2018 english
Akeidah Theology? (Vayera 5781) pdf Nov 06, 2020 english
Antidisestablishmentarianism: The Next Generation pdf Dec 17, 2010 english
Are Adam and Eve Modern Orthodox Role Models? (Bereshit 2016) pdf Oct 27, 2016 english
Are All Sins Ugly? (Noach 5779) pdf Oct 12, 2018 english
Avraham, Yitzchak and Intermarriage pdf Nov 05, 2015 english
Avraham, Yitzchak, and Intermarriage (Chayei Sarah 5778) pdf Nov 09, 2017 english
Being Orthodox in the Present Requires Taking Responsibility for the Orthodox Past pdf Dec 31, 2009 english
Brain Death and Halakhah: A Footnote with Uncertain Implications (Miketz 2016) pdf Dec 29, 2016 english
Bully for Sodom (Vayera 2016) pdf Nov 17, 2016 english
Can One be Punished for Doing the Right Thing? pdf Nov 05, 2010 english
Can One Ever Really Ask an Eved for a Favor? (Chayei Sarah 5780) pdf Nov 22, 2019 english
Can the Powerful Ever Know They are Truly Loved? Thoughts on image-management pdf Oct 24, 2013 english
Can there be Literature without Lashon Hora? A Reply to Cynthia Ozick pdf Dec 24, 2015 english
Can We Bless People for Choosing the Lesser Evil When the Good is Available? pdf Jan 06, 2012 english
ChannukkahTalmud pdf Dec 18, 2009 english
Chanukkah, Miracles, and Zionism (Miketz 5781) pdf Dec 17, 2020 english
Compromising Evils (Vayechi 5779) pdf Dec 21, 2018 english
Dayenu: A Thanksgiving Drashah pdf Dec 01, 2014 english
Did Avram Go for His Own Sake or for Gds pdf Oct 22, 2015 english
Die Another Day: Shakespeare. James Bond, and the Rav pdf Dec 16, 2015 english
Dignity in Exile and in Redemption pdf Dec 21, 2012 english
Dina Demalkhuta Dina vs. Civil Disobedience in Sodom pdf Nov 11, 2011 english
Do We Own Our Bodies? Halakhic and Aggadic Reflections pdf Oct 19, 2012 english
Does "It's Never Been Done" Imply "It Shouldn't Be Done?" (Lech Lecha 2016) pdf Nov 10, 2016 english
Does G-d Write Thrillers? The Role of Suspense in Scripture (Toldot 5779) pdf Nov 09, 2018 english
Does Halakhah Value Emotional Health and Ordinary Human Relationships? (Lech Lecha 5781) pdf Oct 30, 2020 english
Dreaming of Puns, Sheepishly (Vayetze 2016) pdf Dec 09, 2016 english
Drinking Eyes and Kissing Ewes (Vayetze 5778) pdf Nov 24, 2017 english
Esav Shrugged (Vayishlach 5779) pdf Nov 22, 2018 english
Everything You Knew About Jewish Law and Abortion is Wrong (Noach 5781) pdf Oct 23, 2020 english
Getting To Yes: How Yitzchak and Avimelekh Moved from Hatred to Covenant pdf Nov 25, 2011 english
Grave Differences pdf Dec 29, 2014 english
Halakhah and Change: A Dvar Torah lilui nishmat Rav Gedalia Dov Schwartz ztl pdf Dec 10, 2020 english
How Open Should We Be to Interpretations of Torah that Yield Conclusions We Reject? pdf Sep 30, 2021 english
How should one relate to modes of Torah interpretation that one does not believe in? pdf Nov 11, 2010 english
How should one relate to modes of Torah interpretation that one does not believe in? (Vayetze 5779) pdf Nov 16, 2018 english
How to Teach Halakhah: From the Transcript of an Ongoing Podcast (Vayishlach 5778) pdf Dec 01, 2017 english
How Yehudah Learned to Respect Women (Vayeshev 5780) pdf Dec 20, 2019 english
If a waterfalls in the forest does it make a sound pdf Oct 14, 2015 english
If Sarah Imeinu had Died in Pittsburgh (Chayei Sarah 5779) pdf Nov 02, 2018 english
Is free will a gift worth having for its own sake, or rather for the sake of overcoming it? pdf Oct 07, 2010 english
Is Halakhah Always Law? Thoughts About Aggadic Aging, Morality, and Mortality (Vayigash 5777) pdf Jan 05, 2017 english
Is Halakhah Always Law? Thoughts About Aggadic Aging, Morality, and Mortality (Vayigash 5781) pdf Dec 24, 2020 english
Is Rashi Still Necessary? A Reflection on the Occasion of Not Finishing Shas, Again (Vayigash 5780) pdf Jan 03, 2020 english
Is the Road to Redemption Paved with Bad Intentions? Reading Yehudah and Tamar pdf Dec 06, 2012 english
Justifying Ambition pdf Dec 28, 2012 english
Leadership in the aftermath of moral disaster pdf Dec 23, 2014 english
Lech Lecha 5782 pdf Oct 14, 2021 english
Lech Lecha 5783 pdf Nov 03, 2022 english
Let Us Not be Wholly Undeserving of Our Blessings pdf Nov 16, 2012 english
Love, Power, and Religion (Vayetze 5780) pdf Dec 05, 2019 english
Majority Rule and Disputed Elections: An Intrahalakhic Perspective (Vayetze 5781) pdf Nov 27, 2020 english
Mercy, Justice, and Responsibility: Toward a New Reading of the Creation Stories pdf Oct 21, 2009 english
Miketz 5782 pdf Dec 02, 2021 english
Mishum Eivah and Political Morality pdf Nov 13, 2009 english
Moral Responsibility and Psak Halakhah: The Case of Brain Death pdf Dec 09, 2010 english
Murder by Midrash pdf Nov 10, 2014 english
Murder by Midrash: The Case of the Disappearing Father pdf Oct 29, 2010 english
Noach 5774 pdf Oct 04, 2013 english
Noach 5782 pdf Oct 07, 2021 english
Noach and Global Warming (Noach 2016) pdf Nov 03, 2016 english
Noach and Global Warming (Noach 5780) pdf Nov 01, 2019 english
Noach: A High School Seminar Transcript (Noach 5778) pdf Oct 19, 2017 english
Of Mice and People (Vayigash 5778) pdf Dec 22, 2017 english
On Omnisignificance and Redundancy, or" Why was Yishmael Circumcised? pdf Oct 13, 2010 english
On the Affinity between Reason and Mysticism pdf Nov 26, 2010 english
On the Divine"If", or: The Disadvantages of Tzidkut: pdf Nov 23, 2012 english
On the Human "If", or: The Distinctive Tzidkut of Yaakov Avinu pdf Nov 27, 2009 english
One Day, (Nearly) One Daf (Behind): Where and Why I Got Stuck (Vayechi 5780) pdf Jan 10, 2020 english
Open Book - Miketz word Dec 03, 2010 english
Open Book - Miketz word Dec 03, 2010 english
Open Book - Vayigash word Dec 09, 2010 english
Open Book: Chayyei Sarah word Oct 28, 2010 english
Open Book: Lekh Lekha word Oct 13, 2010 english
Open Book: Toldot word Nov 04, 2010 english
Open Book: Vayera word Oct 21, 2010 english
Open Book: Vayeshev word Nov 26, 2010 english
Open Book: Vayetze word Nov 09, 2010 english
Parshat Chayei Sarah 5782 pdf Oct 28, 2021 english
Parshat Chayyei Sarah 5783 pdf Nov 18, 2022 english
Parshat Miketz 5783 pdf Dec 22, 2022 english
Parshat Toldot 5782 pdf Nov 04, 2021 english
Parshat Toldot 5783 pdf Nov 24, 2022 english
Parshat Vayechi 5783 pdf Jan 05, 2023 english
Parshat Vayechi 5783 pdf Jan 05, 2023 english
Parshat Vayeitzei 5783 pdf Dec 02, 2022 english
Parshat Vayera 5783 pdf Nov 10, 2022 english
Parshat Vayeshev 5783 pdf Dec 15, 2022 english
Parshat Vayigash 5783 pdf Dec 30, 2022 english
Parshat Vayigash 5783 pdf Dec 30, 2022 english
Parshat Vayigash 5783 pdf Dec 30, 2022 english
Parshat Vayishlach 5783 pdf Dec 09, 2022 english
Peace with Security: Psychopolitical Meditations on Yitzchak's Meditations (Toldot 2016) pdf Dec 02, 2016 english
Piety and Hard Choices, or: Why Yitzchak Could Not Choose His Own Wife pdf Nov 09, 2012 english
Rabbi Moshe Simkovich on Akedah pdf Oct 29, 2015 english
RashbamVayeshev pdf Dec 10, 2009 english
Rationalism, Mysticism, and the Search for Order (Vayeshev 5778) pdf Dec 08, 2017 english
Reverse Kutim? Thoughts on Kashrut, Credibility, and Pluralism pdf Nov 18, 2011 english
Review of "With Might and Strength: An Autobiography" by Rabbi Shlomo Goren (Vayeshev 2016) pdf Dec 23, 2016 english
Sermon Vayeshev pdf Nov 30, 2010 english
She Said He Said and the Joseph Story pdf Dec 04, 2015 english
She Said, He Said, and the Joseph Story: or, Rashomon in Egypt (Vayeshev 5779) pdf Nov 29, 2018 english
Should Halakhah Require Belief that Women Are at Least Equal to Men? (Bereishit 5781) pdf Oct 16, 2020 english
Should Halakhic speech and writing be censored pdf Nov 19, 2010 english
Should One Sacrifice One's Conscience to Gd? pdf Oct 29, 2015 english
Should the Chief Rabbinate Declare Fasts for Rain? pdf Dec 04, 2010 english
Should the Torah be Read Like a Love Letter, or Rather like a Technical Manual? pdf Dec 23, 2011 english
Should We Care How Long Creation Took? (Bereshit 5779) pdf Oct 05, 2018 english
Thanksgiving, Jewish Identity, and Antisemitism (Toldot 5780) pdf Nov 29, 2019 english
The Architecture of Creation: A Blueprint for Thinking about Midrash pdf Oct 12, 2012 english
The Canaanites were then in the land; Ibn Ezra and Lower Biblical Criticism pdf Oct 30, 2009 english
The Challenge of Unexpected Kindness: On Interfaith Dialogue in Light of Judaism's American Experience pdf Dec 14, 2012 english
The Challenge of Unexpected Kindness: Torah and the American Jewish Experience (Miketz 5780) pdf Dec 27, 2019 english
The Dangers of Knowledge Addiction pdf Oct 08, 2015 english
The Elor Azariah Case: A Halakhic Framework (Vayechi 5777) pdf Jan 12, 2017 english
The Kavanaugh Hearings and Torah Conversation (Lech Lecha 5779) pdf Oct 19, 2018 english
The Liberating Effect of Interpretive Humility pdf Nov 30, 2012 english
The Model of Avraham: The Uniqueness of Chesed and Mishpat (Vayera 5778) pdf Nov 02, 2017 english
Timeliness and Timelessness: How Should Halakhah Respond to Changes in Scientific Beliefs? pdf Nov 20, 2015 english
Tosafot's Radical Portrait of Avraham pdf Nov 05, 2009 english
Tzelem Elokim, Imitatio Dei, and the Dynamics of Dignity pdf Oct 17, 2013 english
Understanding the Tower of Babel through Visual Art pdf Oct 21, 2014 english
Vayechi 5782 pdf Dec 16, 2021 english
Vayechi 5784 pdf Dec 28, 2023 english
Vayera 5782 pdf Oct 21, 2021 english
Vayera 5784 pdf Nov 03, 2023 english
Vayeshev 5782 pdf Nov 25, 2021 english
Vayetze 5782 pdf Nov 11, 2021 english
Vayigash 5782 pdf Dec 09, 2021 english
Vayigash 5782 pdf Dec 09, 2021 english
Vayigash 5784 pdf Dec 21, 2023 english
Vayishlach 5782 pdf Nov 18, 2021 english
Vayishlach 5784 pdf Nov 29, 2023 english
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